Sports Physiotherapy

Sports Physiotherapy Burwood North

Five Dock Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centre specialise in the treatment, management and prevention of sporting injuries with our team of Physiotherapists each having extensive experience in a variety of sports.

Injuries happen in all aspects of life, particularly so, in the sporting context with individualised and specific rehabilitation required to solve the injury or problem, and prevent recurrence.

Here at Five Dock Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centre collectively we have years of experience helping our clients recover and get back on the field or court and stay there. Our Sports physiotherapists have competed in, worked with and treated a large variety of sports including rugby union, soccer, AFL, rugby league, netball, tennis, athletics, cricket, baseball, swimming, hockey, gymnastics, dance, basketball and a range of combat sports. We regularly provide sports coverage for local sporting teams, including Briars Rugby Union Club who are a part of Briar’s Sports, premier league football/soccer teams and The Inner West Netball Association with the various teams playing down Cintra Park.

Common Sports Injuries

The most common sports injuries seen on the park and in the clinic include, but are not limited to:

  • Ligament sprains
  • Muscle strains
  • Muscle tears
  • Dislocations
  • Joint injuries
  • Over-use injuries.

The general goals when Assessing and Rehabilitating a Sports Injury are:

  • An accurate diagnosis – this involves a comprehensive analysis of your injured area, analysis of movement patterns and assessment of predisposing factors that may have led to injury
  • Goal Setting – helps us understand your expectations as to what it is that you want to achieve. Often sports injuries impact many areas of our lives including work, recreational and family life, so although returning to sport or activity is important and the primary goal, we need to look at the big picture also.
  • The Development of a Treatment plan – this includes expected timeframe for prognosis and return to play or activity so that we reach the specific goals set out
  • Treatment & Rehabilitation – this will often include manual therapy and a comprehensive exercise rehabilitation program which not only guides you back to sport but also helps you self-manage your injury.
  • Education & prevention – helping you to understand your injury, your rehab and correct the underlying causes so you don’t have the same issues recur in the future.
Treatment of Sports Injuries at Five Dock Physiotherapy

As part of sports physiotherapy our highly trained Physiotherapists will deliver a range of assessments, treatments and rehabilitation to help you recover.

Acute injury assessment and management
  • Whatever the body part or injury, the sooner our physios can assess it, the sooner your recovery and management can begin. Our physio’s are able to refer you on for appropriate imaging and referral where needed whilst providing symptom relief, injury education and starting the rehabilitation process to get you active again.
Post-operative management
  • Our physiotherapists frequently treat surgically repaired shoulders, knees, ankles, elbows, necks, backs and hips, leading the athlete through rehab and back to competition. We are highly experienced in the range of rehab protocols, progressions and criteria working in partnership with numerous orthopaedic surgeons, rheumatologists and sports doctors.
Pre-operative Management
  • Pre-operative physiotherapy is designed to prevent any post-surgical complications whilst also helps to re-gain maximal function in the least amount of time after surgery. Preparation for surgery is ideally commenced well before the operation giving patients the time to be educated about the surgery and what to expect. It also helps to restore range of movement, muscle strength and function giving you the best chance of great outcome post-operatively.
Biomechanical Analysis
  • We routinely assess our patient’s biomechanics in conjunction with therapy. This includes muscle activation patterns, adequate joint range of motion, motor control patterns and allows to prescribe functional exercises. Through this we can get you both feeling and performing at your best!
Gym based rehab
  • Each of our physiotherapists are trained in gym-based rehabilitation with our exclusive access to Plus Fitness Five Dock. As we guide you through recovery, higher intensity strength training is essential to returning to competition, making the gym an ideal place to continue physiotherapy.
Sports specific return to play
  • Returning to competitive sport can be both challenging and daunting however with the guidance of our qualified physiotherapists you will complete sport specific exercises and criteria to play. By optimising strength, motor control and technique we will help you safely return to the field.
Pre-screening & injury prevention
  • Prevention is always better than an injury and here at Five Dock Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centre our physiotherapists can complete sports and gym pre-screenings. Here we can highlight any deficits or weaknesses and tailor your training specifically to your needs.
Pilates/core activation training
  • We offer one-on-one pilates sessions to help you engage your core and build the stability you need for sport. With a strong and stable core, you could be playing and feeling the strongest you ever have.
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Book Now or Call 02 9713 2455 for your Physio Appointment

Five Dock Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centre are now Total Body Physio. Check out our new site here!