Iliotibial Band Syndrome – ITBS
liotibial Band Syndrome – ITBS (also known as ITB Friction Syndrome) is an overuse injury of the lateral knee. Pain often presents as a localised, burning sensation – usually following an increase in load or activity. This injury is commonly seen in runners and...
Golfers Elbow – Flexor Tendinopathy
What is Golfer’s Elbow? Medically known as medial epicondylalgia or a flexor tendinopathy, Golfer’s elbow is a painful and irritable condition affecting the tendons that attach at the common flexor origin of the medial elbow (Kiel & Kaiser, 2023), primarily the...
Tibialis Posterior Tendinopathy
The Tibialis Posterior is a muscle that runs down the inside of the shin and attaches into the Navicular and medial cuneiform bones of the midfoot (Corcoran & Varacallo, 2023). It acts as the primary dynamic stabiliser of the rearfoot and medial longitudinal arch....
10 Physio Tips for a Wonderful and Pain-Free 2024
s we bid farewell to 2023 and welcome 2024, it’s a great time to set intentions for a healthier, happier year ahead. At Five Dock Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centre, we’re committed to helping you achieve your health goals. As such, here are 10...