Calf Tears

Calf Tears

Anatomy The calf muscles comprise of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. The gastrocnemius is one of the main plantar flexors of the ankle. It is comprised of two muscle bellies, with the medial head having a mechanical advantage. It is therefore able to generate...
“Pop” goes the shoulder

“Pop” goes the shoulder

The glenohumeral or shoulder joint is the most commonly dislocated joint in the body accounting for 50% of all major joint dislocations and unfortunately, shoulder dislocations make up the majority of traumatic sporting injuries. But why does it dislocate so easily...
Golfer’s Elbow – not always from golf!

Golfer’s Elbow – not always from golf!

Are you experiencing Pain in the inside of your elbow? Does it hurt when you grip, squeeze, try to open jars or do manual work? You might have what’s commonly known as Golffer’s elbow, even if you’ve never played golf before in your life! What is Golfer’s Elbow?...
A Pain in the Back

A Pain in the Back

Have you ever experienced lower back pain? Chances are that you have, as lower back pain (LBP) is the most common musculoskeletal injury with reports that 80% of the population (Holmes et al, 2015) will experience LBP at some point in their life and every year up to...
5 Tips to Set Up Your Computer During Lock Down

5 Tips to Set Up Your Computer During Lock Down

As NSW continues to be in lock down, many people continue to work and study from home with less-than-ideal workstations and poor ergonomic set up. Unfortunately, poor workstation set up can increase the risk of neck pain, headaches, and back pain. If you or a loved...
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome – PFPS during lockdown

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome – PFPS during lockdown

Do you get a sore knee when you walk up and down stairs or hills? Does your knee niggle with squatting, sitting too much or when you stand up from sitting? Does it hurt around your kneecap when you walk too much, run or jump? If so you might be suffering from...

Five Dock Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centre are now Total Body Physio. Check out our new site here!